Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?
Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Doctors are the saviors of our lives and always help us whenever we need them. Without Doctors, our lives are unimaginable. But sometimes due to human errors and false diagnoses, people end up suffering very badly. 
We trust Doctors blindly but we forget the fact that they are humans too.
If you're a victim of false diagnosis and are searching online about what options you have, you're at the right place. You should first understand what is considered as Malpractice according to law.

What is a Malpractice

It's not that simple as it seems, Suing a Doctor for a false diagnosis is not that simple. It's because a Misdiagnosis is not always considered a Malpractice. In some cases, diseases having the same 
symptoms can lead to a Misdiagnosis, but that is not considered to be a case of medical negligence.
To Sue a Doctor, you should have concrete evidence to prove that the Misdiagnosis caused real 
harm to your body and the doctor breached the "Medical Standard Of Care".

I'd recommend you, consult with an attorney and make sure you discuss every aspect of your case with him/her. An attorney will walk you through all the options you have in law according to your case.

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?
Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Statutes of limitations

There is a certain time in which you have to file your complaint to start the process of your lawsuit. These deadlines are set by states and are known as "Statutes of limitations". The deadline provided by states can vary. You must know the deadline in your case so you can act accordingly.

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Who you can sue?

As per law, primarily you can only sue your doctor for Misdiagnosis but in more complex cases other health care professionals can also be sued if their negligence has caused or contributed to the patient's harm.
In some cases, you can even sue the hospital or the health care facility but that's very rare as most of the doctors are contractors and are not considered as employees of the hospital.

At last, I'd suggest you to act swiftly if you feel you're a victim of "medical negligence".
You can share your suggestions and queries in the comments down below. Stay fit stay healthy!!

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