How to eat healthy when you don't like vegetables

How to eat healthy when you don't like vegetables
How to eat healthy when you don't like vegetables

How to eat healthy when you don't like vegetables

What comes to your mind when you hear the word vegetables, for some of us vegetables are desirable when it's come to our daily diet plan but for a considerable amount of people, vegetables aren't an option.

In my early days of life, I hated vegetables like nothing else but as I grew up the sense prevailed in me. Vegetables aren't that appealing but when it comes to nutrition you can't ignore them.

Vegetables provide a crucial amount of nutrients to our body so it can function efficiently. They are a rich source of various vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. If you don't like vegetables but know their value, I'll show you how to do it.


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It's all in the mind

Have you heard this phrase before if not then I want to tell you that your mind is very powerful, you believe in something and it'll make it happen?

A strong will and dedication are all you need. Don't eat them raw, first learn a few recipes and try them. I recommend you to try Mexican and Italian cuisine because of the variety of vegetarian dishes.

Once you figure out what's best for you then try to experiment and make new dishes for yourself. 

Read about the benefits of eating vegetables as it will train your mind to believe in the benefits. Slow and steady your body will start to enjoy vegetables.

Search for new cuisines


If you want to eat healthily but you don't have many options in such a case you can search for different cuisines around the world.

There are 1000s of dishes that have vegetables as their main ingredient and trying new dishes will help you to have a variety in your food.

If you don't like one dish try another and if you don't like another, try to find the dish of your choice.


Eating vegetables result in many benefits to your body.

  • Your digestion becomes better on a vegan diet as plants are less complex than meat and require less time to breakdown to provide energy to the body in the form of glucose.
  • Some vegetables contain Vitamin A which is really beneficial for your eyes and hence, eating vegetables ensure your eye health.
  • Vitamin K is also found in vegetables which is essential for blood clotting and maintaining healthy bone metabolism.
  • There are numerous benefits of eating vegetables and fruits.


Vegetables are available in decent amounts all over the world, but due to geographical conditions, some vegetables may not be available in your region.

You can easily find vegetables in vegetable stores and supermarkets all over the world. Add vegetables into your diet plan and lead a healthy and blissful life.

Vegetables are a gift of God to us, full of benefits and nutrients. If you don't like vegetables, give it a try, I hope you'll fall in love with vegetables and will lead a healthy life.

I hope you found my blog useful please do share with your loved ones and friends. Also, you can comment down below if you have any queries or recommendations.

Thanks for reading!


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