Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?
Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Doctors are the saviors of our lives and always help us whenever we need them. Without Doctors, our lives are unimaginable. But sometimes due to human errors and false diagnoses, people end up suffering very badly. 
We trust Doctors blindly but we forget the fact that they are humans too.
If you're a victim of false diagnosis and are searching online about what options you have, you're at the right place. You should first understand what is considered as Malpractice according to law.

What is a Malpractice

It's not that simple as it seems, Suing a Doctor for a false diagnosis is not that simple. It's because a Misdiagnosis is not always considered a Malpractice. In some cases, diseases having the same 
symptoms can lead to a Misdiagnosis, but that is not considered to be a case of medical negligence.
To Sue a Doctor, you should have concrete evidence to prove that the Misdiagnosis caused real 
harm to your body and the doctor breached the "Medical Standard Of Care".

I'd recommend you, consult with an attorney and make sure you discuss every aspect of your case with him/her. An attorney will walk you through all the options you have in law according to your case.

Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?
Can you sue a doctor for false diagnosis?

Statutes of limitations

There is a certain time in which you have to file your complaint to start the process of your lawsuit. These deadlines are set by states and are known as "Statutes of limitations". The deadline provided by states can vary. You must know the deadline in your case so you can act accordingly.

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Who you can sue?

As per law, primarily you can only sue your doctor for Misdiagnosis but in more complex cases other health care professionals can also be sued if their negligence has caused or contributed to the patient's harm.
In some cases, you can even sue the hospital or the health care facility but that's very rare as most of the doctors are contractors and are not considered as employees of the hospital.

At last, I'd suggest you to act swiftly if you feel you're a victim of "medical negligence".
You can share your suggestions and queries in the comments down below. Stay fit stay healthy!!

Check Out - Home Remedies for abscess tooth

Home Remedies For Abscess Tooth With Swollen Face

Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face
Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face

Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face

tooth abscess is a condition in which a pocket of puss is formed in the root of the tooth usually caused by a bacterial infection. It can occur in different regions of the tooth due to different factors.

Causes of abscess tooth with swollen face

There are various causes behind the tooth abscess, few of them are listed below:

  1. Dental Hygiene - You should take proper care of your teeth and gums as poor dental hygiene is one of the main causes of tooth abscess. Change your brush regularly. Brush your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist frequently.
  2. Side effects of certain medicines - Certain medications make your mouth dry, which increases tooth decay and can be a reason for your problem.
  3. High sugar diet - A diet rich in sugar can often cause dental cavities which can lead to a tooth abscess.

Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face
Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face

Symptoms of 
abscess tooth with swollen face

Signs and symptoms of a tooth abscess include:

  • Mild to sharp toothache.
  • Sensitivity to both cold and hot temperatures.
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting.
  • Mild fever.
  • Swelling in your face or cheek.
  • Difficulty in breathing or swallowing anything.

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Home remedies for abscess tooth
Home remedies for abscess tooth

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Home remedies for abscess tooth with swollen face

In the case of tooth abscess, I'd recommend you to go and consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Remedies listed below can give you relief for some time but can't cure the problem.
You should not take this lightly as it can lead to more harmful infection which can be fatal.

  • Saltwater - Rinse your mouth with saltwater for temporary relief. Add some salt into a cup of lukewarm water and gently swish the mix and spit it out.

  • Ice pack - You can also put an ice pack on the affected region. It will help you in reducing the pain as well as swelling.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide - Hydrogen peroxide works great when it comes to bacterial infections. Mix 2-3% of hydrogen peroxide in water, then swish the mix and spit out after a few seconds.

  •  Garlic Paste - It is also very helpful, prepare a paste of a few garlic cloves and gently apply the paste on the affected region.

I hope you'll get benefited from this article and will have better dental health. If your pain is not wearing off don't risk your health, please visit your dentist.

You can share your suggestions and queries with us in the comments down below. Have a great life!!

5 Best Home remedies for redness on the face [2020]

Home remedies for redness on the face
Home remedies for redness on the face

5 Best Home remedies for redness on the face

If you're suffering from redness, it can be due to a variety of reasons and even some serious skin problems. You must identify the real cause before trying home remedies as in some cases you 

need the help of a professional(dermatologist). Your face is a very important part of your body and you must ensure it's free from any problem.

Let's take a look at the potential causes of redness on your face.

Home remedies for redness on the face
Home remedies for redness on the face

Causes of Redness on the face 

  1. Acne (Causes of Redness on the face) - It is the most common reason for the redness, usually it is caused by aggressively picking at blemishes(I hope you don't do that). Acne is a very common problem amongst teenagers and is treatable by home remedies.
  2. Allergies (Causes of Redness on the face) Allergies can also cause redness on your skin, it can be caused by a variety of reasons, it can happen due to an allergic reaction from a medicine or a beauty product. Antihistamines and Corticosteroids are usually prescribed in allergies by the doctor.
  3. Rosacea (Causes of Redness on the face) It's also known as Adult Acne, it is generally observed in middle-aged women especially having light skin tone but can happen to anyone. There is no cure for this condition but medication can help in reducing the redness.
  4. Sunburn (Causes of Redness on the face) A bad sunburn can make things worse for you, in such cases, there isn't much to worry about you can easily treat it.

There are other reasons which are responsible especially various diseases. If you're not sure about the reason for your redness you must see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Home remedies for redness on the face
Home remedies for redness on the face

5 Best Remedies For Redness On The Face:-

  • Aloe Vera (remedies for redness on the face) - It's a boon when it comes to your skin, it works as a moisturizer and keeps your skin hydrated. It's also very useful in redness, use the plant's gel and apply it on your face. If you don't have a plant, you can easily find Aloe vera gel in a nearby store.
  • Coconut Oil (remedies for redness on the face) - Coconut oil is also very helpful in reducing redness and inflammation. Gently apply oil on the affected region of your face.
  • Clay Mask (remedies for redness on the face) - It is also very helpful in reducing redness.
  • Cucumber (remedies for redness on the face) - You can put cucumber slices on the affected region directly.
  • Turmeric (remedies for redness on the face) - Due to its antiseptic nature it's very good for redness, you can apply the turmeric paste on your face to reduce redness.

These are the few home remedies that I usually prefer for redness.

If you have any home remedy that you try and is not mentioned, you can write in the comments down below. You can also share your experiences and queries with us.

Try your best to keep your skin and body hydrated.

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